Fast forward just a three days for a dramatically different rescue. This time it was four sled dogs rescued by the Humane Society of the United States and transported to Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation for adoption placement. These gorgeous frosty-eyed beauties have lived life on a chain, but are surprisingly loving and eager to make new human friends. One arrived with a belly full of puppies and is luxuriating at Woofs! of Arlington while she awaits delivery, but the others are all ready for adoption and will be at events Thanksgiving weekend.
Wait! No time!
Late Saturday we got a call that a nearby breeder was facing foreclosure and had quite a few small dogs in her care with no place to go. Could we help? The Lost Dog van was gassed and dispatched on Sunday morning and returned with eleven dogs- five Chinese Cresteds (four of them hairless!), three schnauzers and three poodles. Again, all were in need of a bathe and a shave, except the hairless ones who were able to get by with just the bath and some warm sweaters. The little guys are getting their vetting now and will be ready search for loving forever homes this Thanksgiving weekend.
That's 20 dogs who have a whole to be thankful for this weekend- 20 in addition to the more than 13,000 dogs and cats LDCRF has rescued and placed since 2001.